
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This is the subject that I'm struggling right now..

Tomorrow will be the test..
And in the class..
I never listened to the teacher because he can't teach us..

He just tell us not teach us..
It's very important to understand how to teach..

"Tell" is very easy.. But "teach" is very hard..
You must make somebody to understand what you meant..
And that what a teacher does..
He must make all his/her student understand about the subject that he tought..

But in the reality only a few teacher who understand the meaning of  the word "Teach"
They've already forgot the first obligation when they decided to become a Teacher..

If I didn't have any tuition.. I wouldn't understand anything..
I hope this problem will finish as soon as possible..

I'm better now.. =)

Keep Shining!! ^o^

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