
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Family Makes My Life More Colorful~~

When I woke up today..
I thought off all the things You've done.. Thank's God for today..!

Even though I started my day with doing nothing..
But in the end I can make my Gray Day become Rainbow Day...

In the morning.. I did my homework and listened to the music..
I made some breakfast.. And watched some movies at Youtube..
I'm so bored.. No games.. No jokes.. *I really like joke XP*

In the Afternoon.. I had my lunch and started to practice Piano..
I'm still learning to play River Flows In You.. I know it's hard.. So I must spent many times to practice..

I know that song from youtube.. When I saw Taemin (SHINee) play this song..
I immediately fell in love with this song.. <3 <3 <3

In the evening.. My family and I went to church at BSD..
On the way.. We having a lot of fun..
And we almost got lost because my mother can't read the map.. LOL.. XD

And on the way home.. We talking about my past..
There're so many funny things that already happened..
Time is running so fast.. 16 years have passed..
I'm so thankful that I still have my family..
We can spend time together.. Laughing together.. Thank's God for My Family..

God, please take care my father.. my mother.. and my little brother..
I love them so much..
Bless them, guide them, and Your grace will be with them everyday..
Thank's God.. Amen!

The true meaning of family..
FAMILY = Father And Mother I Love You......

Keep Shining!! ^o^

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