
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Something Happened in The Evening !

I'm still having my sweet dream at my sweet room..

But... It doesn't take long time..

Suddenly.. I heard the bell rings..
*Ring Ding Dong??!!*

When I saw who was it.. I got a shock for a while..

My brain still loading.. 10%.. 20%.. 30%.. 40%.. 50%..
And I could recognize them after 5-10 minutes..

There was my sweet cute lovely friends.. there are 5-6 people I think..
With innocent face came to my house and they only said "Hello Grace!!"

I'm thinking for a while and than I replied "Hello, what do you want?"

And they gave me a shock replied "Nothing, we just want to say 'Hi' !!"

I'm still dizzy.. So I only said "Ooo.. Okay!"

And they left after say GOOD BYE to me..
I didn't connect at all.. I came back to my room and opened my laptop..

There're JongHyun at my background that makes me realized that they were making fun of me..
*So what's the connection between JonhHyun and my brain??!! Forget it..*

What a day.. -______-"
Thankyou my cute and lovely friends.. Specially for Indra Gunawan, Andreas Kuswari, Eveline Wijaya, Jimmy Coco, Asen, Felix Hidayat.. That's the only face that I could recognize.. Sorry for the others.. =]

Keep Shining..!! ^o^

Today's message : Don't get mad so easily.. And keep smiling when your friends make fun of you..!! And don't forget to think about the revenge.. kekekekee... >=D

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